A traditionally made boiled sweet.
An assortment of Fruit, Aniseed and Peppermint flavoured sweets.
Unwrapped sweets in a large 2.72kg jar.
The famous Yorkshire Mixtures are a Dobson's Classic
Yorkshire Mixtures contain an assortment of 18 different sweet varieties:
- Aniseed Humbug
- Banana
- Butter Drop
- Cherry – Fish
- Humbug Green - Mint
- Humbug Pennant - Mint
- Klondike - Grapefruit
- Lemon Slice
- Lime Tablet
- Nuts – Blackcurrant
- Orange
- Pear Drop
- Pincushion - Rose
- Pineapple
- Raspberry
- Strawberry
- Tangerine Slice
- Voice tablet